Thursday, February 25, 2010

Italy Adventures

Yeah, so, I haven't posted in awhile. (Whoops.) And I promised I would talk about Italy! (Double whoops.) So now I'm doing both. This post is a collection of weekend trips that I've taken.


Ravenna is somehow still a charming city even though its prime industry is tourism and mosaics. Mosaics? Yes, mosaics. Ravenna was a cultural center for the westernmost outpost of the Byzantine empire. When the Visigoths invaded Italy, the Byzantines retreated to Ravenna. Today, Ravenna has some of the best preserved Byzantine mosaics in the world, most notably in San Vitale (a UNESCO Site) and Sant'Apollinare Nuovo. The Tomb of Galla Placidia is behind San Vitale but alas, no pictures--they're not allowed. Also, one geeky thing to note: the mosaics in San Vitale are one of the most important sources on Byzantine costume.

San Vitale

San'Apollinare Nuovo

We also visited Dante's Tomb. Dante was exiled from Florence for the last years of his life. He eventually settled in Ravenna. Of course, now the Tuscans want the body back. (Still!) Every year, on the anniversary of Dante's death, admirers from Tuscany and Ravenna come to the tomb in period costume. The Tuscans put some Tuscan oil in the lamp as a sign of friendship.


Oh, and I ate this stuff:



Ferrara is a beautiful city, but I have to admit there isn't all that much to see. We went to the Castello Estense, the castle of the extremely powerful d'Este family. It's hard to believe that at one point little Ferrara was one of the prime centers of the Renaissance world.


The view from the Tower


I also got this thing, which is the Ferrara specialty. I don't know what it's called but it's a pastry filled with beschamel,  macaroni, and sausage. HOW CAN THAT BE BAD? EXACTLY.

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